Ionic livereload not working
Ionic livereload not working


Select your platform of choice (iOS or Android) and connect a device to your computer. Let’s use Live Reload to implement photo deletion, the missing piece of our Photo Gallery feature.


Since we need to run native plugin code on a device in order to verify that it works, having a way to quickly write code, build and deploy it, then test it is crucial to keeping up our development speed. This is particularly useful when writing code that interacts with native plugins. The Live Reload server will start up, and the native IDE of choice will open if not opened already. Next, run either command in a terminal, based on your chosen platform: ionic cap run ios -l -external.


We can also use it when developing on iOS and Android devices. Select your platform of choice (iOS or Android) and connect a device to your computer. Remember ionic serve? That was Live Reload working in the browser, allowing us to iterate quickly. When active, Live Reload will reload the browser and/or WebView when changes in the app are detected. We can use the Ionic CLI’s Live Reload functionality to boost our productivity when building Ionic apps. The development experience is pretty quick, but what if I told you there was a way to go faster? For notification purpose, i need to know specific condition based on entering and exiting.So far, we’ve seen how easy it is to develop a cross-platform app that works everywhere. In both cases, promise is returning success(which says ‘ok’). The issue which i am getting is, i am unable to find out when it comes specifically inside or exit. (err) => console.log(‘Geofence failed to add’)

ionic livereload not working

OpenAppOnClick: true //open app when notification is tapped However, when you change the web source, for example, you can observe that Angular compiles but the app is not updated in the emulator. Text: ‘You just arrived to Gliwice city center.’, //notification body Description of the problem: ionic capacitor run android -livereload launches Android Studio as expected, and it shows up in the emulator when you run in. Title: ‘You crossed a fence’, //notification title TransitionType: 3, //see ‘Transition Types’ below Radius: 100, //radius to edge of geofence in meters Latitude: 37.285951, //center of geofence radius To use Live Reload with Capacitor, make sure you're either using a virtual device or a hardware device connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your computer. Id: ‘69ca1b88-6fbe-4e80-a4d4-ff4d3748acdb’, //any unique ID Capacitor Capacitor does not yet have a programmatic build for development (track this issue for progress), so the Ionic CLI does not automatically forward ports for iOS and Android. I have implemented as mentioned in the official docs I am using ionic v3 and want to use Ionic built in Geofence plugin. Next select from the top develop menu that you now have the device and the running webview inside the device Voil a new window with all the known browser debugging tools comes up. I am stuck with the above problem - I will highly appreciate if any fellow devs could get me out of this soup!! First, enable Show Develop menu in menu bar within the preferences of Safari. My Ionic Info is as follows: Ionic:Ĭordova Plugins : cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.3,Ĭordova- plugin-ionic-webview 3.1.2, (and 4 other plugins)

ionic livereload not working

Alternatively, open System Preferences -> Network -> (select active network) then find the IP listed under Status. The IP address is listed under en0 entry, after inet. watch ready in 9.98 sįinally I added the following permissions to AndroidManifest.xml - First, determine your computers IP address on your LAN.

ionic livereload not working

dev-logger-port 53703 -consolelogs -nobrowser -iscordovaserve > ionic-app-scripts serve -address -port 8100 -livereload-port 35729 ionic run browser -livereload not working Ask Question Asked 6 years ago Modified 2 years ago Viewed 18k times 14 i was trying to use live reload on my ionic 2 application.


Then I added an Inbound Rule to my Windows Firewall to allow specifically the following ports : 8100, 35729, 53703 as these appeared on the console with the following command: ionic cordova run android -livereload -consolelogs So it specifically mentions loadUrlTimeoutValue as 700000 - but that did not have a positive effect !

ionic livereload not working

In one of my projects where the -livereload flag was working, suddenly the feature is not working but I see Launch Success message on my console.Īfter launching the app on my android device the Splash screen stays on infinitely and then a message appears as Application Error

Ionic livereload not working